






Do you know what funeral repatriation is?

Repatriation is the process of returning a person (as well as historic goods, archeologic items, works of arts, etc.) to their place of origin or of citizenship. When there is a death in a country that is not the one of the person’s origin, it is necessary to do the funeral repatriation. That’s where OSSEL Assistência’s experience comes in. More than transporting a body, there needs to be a partnership with each consulate for the judicious paperwork that is demanded, with maximum speed and safety.
Not many funerary homes are able to provide this service, but OSSEL Assistência has an international division that is specialized in it. We are your best reference, consult us.


OSSEL Assistência is your best reference for funeral repatriation.

Yes, we already work with many different countries worldwide. Consult us.

Waldnei +55 – 11 99462-1906

Gustavo +55 – 11 98769-6984

Funerária +55 – 11 4229-7088


What if someone passes away in a trip overseas? What should we do?​

Firstly, we call a funerary home able to do the repatriation process. In this case, OSSEL Assistência will take care of all bureaucratic services.


What if a foreigner passes away in our country? What should we do?

OSSEL Assistência’s international division will take care of everything. Get in touch with the country of origin’s consulate and its consul to discuss all the documentation needed for the air trip.


If a foreigner passes away, can I get in touch directly with the consulate or do I need a funeral home to intermediate?

There is no need of intermediation. We have lines directly with all international consulates. Each of them has their own peculiarities in their bureaucratic demands.

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